haku: @indexterm share ownership / yhteensä: 259
viite: 14 / 259
Tekijä:Sanders, W. G.
Carpenter, M. A.
Otsikko:Strategic satisficing? A behavioral-agency theory perspective on stock repurchase program announcements
Lehti:Academy of Management Journal
2003 : APR, VOL. 46:2, p. 160-178
Asiasana:Stock repurchases
Share ownership
Tiivistelmä:Executives confront potentially conflicting pressures - amximizing shareholder wealth in the long term and appeasing shareholders in the near term. Because they must address near-term pressures to preserve tenure and to realize the benefits of long-term strategies, executives are increasingly likely to seek to mollify shareholders. Analysis of 250 large U.S. firms suggested that stock repurchase programs are variously a function of information asymmetry, risky stock-based incentives, and performance expectations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 248857
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