haku: @indexterm share ownership / yhteensä: 259
viite: 11 / 259
Tekijä:Clearfield, A.M.
Otsikko:"With friends like these, who need enemies?" The structure of the investment industry and its reluctance to exercise governance oversight
Lehti:Corporate governance
2005 : MAR, VOL. 13:2, p. 114-121
Asiasana:Corporate governance
Share ownership
Tiivistelmä:This article examines the role of corporate governance in investment management companies. The author argues that institutional investorsÂ’ negative attitude toward governance may be due to scepticism on the part of some individuals, but there also seem to be structural factors at work. The author proposes that some internal readjustment of investment management companies, and a clearer commitment by top management at those companies to exploit governance initiatives, would be beneficial to corporate governance and to portfolio returns.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259074
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