haku: @indexterm BRAND LOYALTY / yhteensä: 265
viite: 43 / 265
Tekijä:Shapiro, S.
Spence, M. T.
Otsikko:Factors Affecting Encoding, Retrieval, and Alignment of Sensory Attributes in a Memory-Based Brand Choice Task
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Research
2002 : MAR, VOL. 28:4, p. 603-617
Tiivistelmä:Sensory attributes, such as sound quality ascertained by listening to a stereo, are often ambiguous and therefore difficult to encode and retrieve. Despite this, consumers often place more weight on these attributes compared to verbally described market information when making brand choice decisions. Results from two studies demonstrate that providing criteria to evaluate the sound quality of competing brands of stereos facilitates the encoding, retrieval, and alignment of the sensory attribute in a brand choice task. Study 1 shows that without criteria to evaluate sound quality during trial, memory for this attribute is poor. Study 2 shows that providing evaluative criteria during product trial enhances performance through improvement in the encoding process.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238016
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