haku: @journal_id 592 / yhteensä: 267
viite: 3 / 267
Tekijä:DeLong, G.L.
Otsikko:The announcement effects of U.S. versus non-U.S. bank mergers: do they differ?
Lehti:Journal of Financial Research
2003 : WINTER, VOL. 26:4, p. 487-500
Asiasana:Bank mergers
Vapaa asiasana:Announcements
Tiivistelmä:Non-U.S. bank mergers are becoming an increasingly important part of the worldwide economic landscape. Are the market reactions to non-U.S. The question is addressed by examining abnormal returns of publicly traded partners on the announcement of 41 non-U.S. bank mergers and comparing the returns with a U.S. control group. Acquirers in non-U.S. domestic bank mergers are found to earn more and non-U.S. targets earn less than their U.S. counterparts.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255865
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