haku: @indexterm interorganizational relations / yhteensä: 269
viite: 8 / 269
Tekijä:Larson, Mia
Otsikko:Joint event production in the jungle, the park, and the garden: metaphors of event networks
Lehti:Tourism Management
2009 : JUN, VOL. 30:3, p. 393-399
interorganizational relations
Vapaa asiasana:events
Tiivistelmä:This paper analyzes the interaction and dynamics going on in three event networks using the Political Market Square(PSQ) model. The study is based on data collection thought personal in-depth interviews, observations and data from documents. The findings of three different event networks reveal three different categories of Political Market Square: the jungle, the park and the garden. These categories represent a tumultuous (the jungle), a dynamic (the park) and an institutionalized (the garden) event network.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276249
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