haku: @author Johnson, C. / yhteensä: 27
viite: 11 / 27
Tekijä:Johnson, C.
Otsikko:Japanese-style management in America.
Lehti:California Management Review
1988 : SUMMER, VOL. 30:4, p. 34-45
Tiivistelmä:Japanese-style management is defined. Several Japanese management methods and practices are listed (Quality Circles, Zero Defect movements, just-in-time system of inventory reduction, no unions, vague job classifications, afterwork drinks etc.). The degree to which these practices have been implemented in Japanese-owned and operated factories in the US is explored. The Japanese employment system and management techniques reflect Japanese culture. Japanese firms implement them when their managers believe that it is crucial to the success of business. The role of investments in the "internal promotion" type of worker is emphasized. The secret of the effectiveness of Japanese firms is their approach to labor.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 63123
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