haku: @indexterm Perception / yhteensä: 272
viite: 82 / 272
Tekijä:Velthouse, B.
Kandogan, Y.
Otsikko:Ethics in practice: what are managers really doing?
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2007 : JAN II, VOL. 70:2, p. 151-163
Asiasana:business ethics
Tiivistelmä:This paper investigates the skills that managers think are necessary to perform their jobs effectively. The managers were asked to rank 178 behavioral skills presented under 22 different categories that described different aspects of management. It is shown that ethics is still regarded as one of the least important skills necessary in managers' daily work. Nevertheless, when specific ethical activities are analyzed separately, significant differences are found across characteristics of managers, as well as those of the organizations at which they work.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263651
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