haku: @indexterm FINANCIAL SERVICES / yhteensä: 273
viite: 74 / 273
Tekijä:Ittner, C.D.
Larcker, D.F.
Randall, T.
Otsikko:Performance implications of strategic performance measurement in financial services firms
Lehti:Accounting, Organizations and Society
2003 : OCT, VOL. 28:7-8, p. 715-741
Asiasana:Financial services
Performance measurement
Tiivistelmä:The relation between measurement system satisfaction, economic performance and two general approaches to strategic performance measurement (greater measurement diversity and improved alignment with company strategy and value drivers) is examined in this study. Consistent evidence is found that companies making more extensive use of a broad set of financial and (particularly) non-financial measures than companies with similar strategies or value drivers have higher measurement system satisfaction and stock market returns.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256496
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