haku: @indexterm control systems / yhteensä: 274
viite: 36 / 274
Tekijä:Borthick, A. F.
Bowen, P. L.
Sullivan, M. C.
Otsikko:Controlling JIT II: Making the system monitor itself
Lehti:Journal of Cost Management
1998 : JUL/AUG, VOL. 12:4, p. 33-41
Just-in-time production
Control systems
Performance appraisal
Tiivistelmä:JIT II systems have emerged just when businesses got used to control approaches for just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems. In the JIT II, suppliers assume responsibility for inventory functions such as ordering replenishments, forecasting usage, and billing the organization. The article shows how database queries can get developed to monitor system performance and supplier compliance.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 183438
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