haku: @indexterm BRAZIL / yhteensä: 274
viite: 43 / 274
Tekijä:Soares Mano, C.
Nogueira, R.
Otsikko:The strategic utilization of the Internet: a study of the banks in operation in Brazil
Lehti:Latin American business review
2003 : VOL. 4:4, p. 61-86
Information technology
Strategic planning
Tiivistelmä:The management charateristics of banks and their relationships with the utilization of Internet technology are evaluated in this study. The participation of the information technology directors of 35 banks operating in Brazil was entailed in the research, and the means of response was totally via the Internet. Six constructs were utilized: 1) planning and control, 2) human resource management, 3) future-directioning, 4) planning for Internet utilization, 5) the sophistication of such utilization and 6) its results. The results indicate that the Internet is being utilized by the larger part of the participating banks only as a new channel for the traditional services offered.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256178
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