haku: @indexterm Control systems / yhteensä: 274
viite: 16 / 274
Tekijä:Miguel, A. de
Pindado, J.
Torre, C. de la
Otsikko:How do entrenchment and expropriation phenomena affect control mechanisms?
Lehti:Corporate governance
2005 : JUL, VOL. 13:4, p. 505-516
Asiasana:Agency theory
Control systems
Corporate governance
Tiivistelmä:This article studies how different control mechanisms relate with each other in the Spanish corporate governance system. The authors analyse these control mechanisms according to the non-linearity of the value-ownership relation and they put the emphasis on entrenchment and expropriation phenomena. The findings suggest that Spanish control mechanisms are used in a complementary way which surfaces only when the interests of managers and owner converge, but not when there are controlling owners whose interests need not coincide with those of minority shareholders.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259094
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