haku: @indexterm Product design / yhteensä: 279
viite: 18 / 279
Tekijä:Dong, H.
Vanns, N.
Otsikko:Designing an innovative pill dispenser: an undergraduate level case study of inclusive design
Lehti:Design Journal
2009 : VOL. 12:1, p. 95-115
Asiasana:product design
design management
focus groups
Vapaa asiasana:inclusive design
Tiivistelmä:Understanding the end-users needs is the key in the inclusive design process. The pill dispenser design case study presented in this paper followed a total design methodology. The case illustrates the design process and its different phases. It highlights the specific challenges that should take into account in the inclusive design process.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268846
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