haku: @indexterm Trust / yhteensä: 279
viite: 49 / 279
Tekijä:White, D. W.
Otsikko:The impact of marketing strategy creation style on the formation of a climate of trust in a retail franchise setting
Lehti:European Journal of Marketing
2010 : VOL. 44:1/2, p. 162-179
marketing strategy
Vapaa asiasana:channel relationships
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the marketing strategy creation style implemented by a channel leader in a franchise system affects the overall climate of trust within the whole channel system. The study seeks to determine the role of the franchisee in the strategy-making process and how this role affects the overall level of trust within the franchise system relationship. The results support the hypotheses stating that the channel climate of franchise systems implementing the symbolic, generative or transactive modes of strategy-making have a higher degree of trust than those implementing the rational mode.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270138
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