haku: @indexterm URBAN ENVIRONMENT / yhteensä: 28
viite: 5 / 28
Tekijä:Home, R.
Bauer, N.
Hunziker, M.
Otsikko:Constructing urban green spaces: an application of Kelly’s repertory grid
Lehti:Tourism review = Revue de tourism = Zeitschrift für Tourismus
2007 : VOL. 62:3-4 p. 47-52
Asiasana:urban areas
urban environment
Vapaa asiasana:urban centres
environmental management
Tiivistelmä:This paper offers a viewpoint to urban green spaces and the different reasons why they are valuable in the eyes of the urban population. This article uses the repertory grid technique to gain a better understanding of residents' opinions in Zurich, Switzerland. The results highlight the usefulness to the individual and anthropocentric attitude towards green spaces in urban environment.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267894
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