haku: @freeterm RESOURCE-BASED VIEW / yhteensä: 28
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Tekijä:Crook, T.R. (et al.)
Otsikko:Strategic resources and performance: A meta-analysis
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2008 : NOV, VOL. 29:11, p. 1141-1154
Asiasana:strategic management
strategic planning
core competence
organizational effectiveness
Vapaa asiasana:resource-based view
Tiivistelmä:In this paper, meta-analyzed are 125 studies of resource-based theory (RBT) covering collectively more than 29.000 organizations. A conservative estimate is that the effect size of the strategic resources-performance (hereafter as: res-perf.) relationship is r(c)=0.22. Based on moderator tests, it is suggested that the res-perf. link is stronger: 1. when resources meet the criteria set out in RBT and 2. for those performance measures not affected by potential value appropriation (hence, r(c)=0.29).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268756
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