haku: @indexterm URBAN ENVIRONMENT / yhteensä: 28
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Tekijä:Desrochers, P.
Leppälä, S.
Otsikko:Creative cities and regions: the case for local economic diversity
Lehti:Creativity and innovation management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 20:1, p. 59-69
Asiasana:urban environment
urban development
technological innovation
economic conditions
Tiivistelmä:In their recent examination of the Richard Florida and Jane Jacobs-inspired 'creative cities' policy literature, Hospers and Pen argue that despite more and more effective 'space shrinking' technologies, cities are still the best locations for creative activities of all types. This article supplements their contribution by offering a more concrete documentation of how economically diversified cities provide a fertile environment for discovering and developing new technological combinations. In doing so, we try to show how the understanding of the linkages between creativity and urban agglomeration could be improved by a multidisciplinary approach, studying both phenomena simultaneously.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276289
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