haku: @indexterm BUYING CENTRES / yhteensä: 28
viite: 15 / 28
Tekijä:Mattson, M. R.
Otsikko:How to determine the composition and influence of a buying center.
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
1988 : VOL. 17:3, p. 205-214
Tiivistelmä:Organizational buying centres are discussed. The concept of buying centres is examined from a historic point of view, literature is reviewed, definitions are compared. A model is presented for determining the composition of centres. The model's value is in its ability to analyze and predict principal buying centre membership. The model was elaborated for the needs of transportation purchasing. Environmental factors are described. Buyer mission is examined. Purchase-specific variables are listed and analysed in detail. Organizational variables are discussed. Testing methodology and results are presented. Managerial implications are summarized, limitations are highlighted.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 62464
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