haku: @author Cooper, C. L. / yhteensä: 28
viite: 12 / 28
Tekijä:Lewis, S. N. C.
Cooper, C. L.
Otsikko:Stress in two-earner couples and stage in the life-cycle
Lehti:Journal of Occupational Psychology
1987 : DEC, VOL. 60:4, p.289-303
Tiivistelmä:Some sources and manifestations of stress in 152 two-earner couples at different life-stages were examined. Parents, non-parents or transitionals between these two stages participated in the study. There was little evidence that couples expecting their first child and intending to resume a two-career life-style experienced anticipatory stress. Parents, especially mothers, experienced more pressures than non-parents. The negative impact of parenthood on well-being was greater for fathers. Using multivariate analysis it was found that organizational, extra-organizational and individual difference factors were associated with stress for all couples. Implications for practice and for future research are discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 69745
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