haku: @indexterm resource management / yhteensä: 282
viite: 47 / 282
Tekijä:Vairaktarakis, G.L.
Otsikko:The value of resource flexibility in the resource-constrained job assignment problem
Lehti:Management Science
2003 : JUN, VOL. 49:6, p. 718-732
Heuristic methods
Integer programming
Resource management
Tiivistelmä:The problem of minimizing project duration is considered in an environment where each project activity can be executed by a number of different flexible resources. The capabilities of the flexible resources are modeled using a binary activity-resource matrix A called the availability matrix. Activity durations are known deterministically. The authors develop tight lower bounds and a variety of heuristics accompanied with extensive computational tests regarding their performance. The results show that the algorithms consistently perform near optimally.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254584
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