haku: @indexterm TESTS / yhteensä: 283
viite: 35 / 283
Tekijä:Loch, C. H.
Terwiesch, C.
Thomke, S.
Otsikko:Parallel and sequential testing of design alternatives
Lehti:Management Science
2001 : MAY, VOL. 47:5, p. 663-678
Tiivistelmä:An important managerial problem in product design in the extent to which testing activities are carried out in parallel or in series. Parallel testing has the advantage of proceeding more rapidly than serial testing but does not take advantage of the potential for learning between tests, thus resulting in a larger number of tests. The authors model this trade-off in the form of a dynamic program and derive the optimal testing strategy (or mix of parallel and serial testing) that minimizes both the total cost and time of testing.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 221764
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