haku: @indexterm Inequality / yhteensä: 285
viite: 80 / 285
Tekijä:O'Connell, P.J.
McCoy, S.
Clancy, D.
Otsikko:Who went to college? Socio-economic inequality in entry to higher education in the Republic of Ireland in 2004
Lehti:Higher education quarterly
2006 : OCT, VOL. 60:4, p. 312-332
Asiasana:higher education
socio-economic groups
Tiivistelmä:This study investigates whether or not increased admission rates between the mid-1990s and 200s led to a reduction in social class inequality in access to higher education. It is shown that the period has been characterised by both continuity and change. Continuity is reflected in persistent social inequalities in access to higher education: the children of higher professionals and farmers, in particular, have maintained their privileged access to higher education. Change is apparent in some closing in relative social inequalities, partly arising as more advantaged groups reach a saturation point in progression to higher education, and partly due to the children of manual workers increasing their participation rates.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262839
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