haku: @indexterm Tariffs / yhteensä: 286
viite: 52 / 286
Tekijä:Skiera, B.
Revenstorff, I.
Otsikko:Auktionen als Instrument zur Erhebung von Zahlungsbereitschaften
Lehti:Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
1999 : VOL. 51:3, p. 224-242
Tiivistelmä:In contrast to other approaches (E.G. conjoint analysis or contingent valuation)Vickrey-auctions have the nice property of providing an incentive compatible mechanism for the revelation of reservation prices. Despite this property, Vickrey auctions are hardly used as an instrument to estimate reservation prices. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to illustrate the use and analyze the validity of Vickrey-auctions for the estimation of reservation prices. We present the design and examine the validity of the results of a study for the estimation of reservation prices for four different mobile cellular phone tariffs. Based on the encouraging results, we discuss limitations as well as further steps to improve the design of Vickrey-auctions and increase the widespread of Vickrey-auctions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 190530
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