haku: @indexterm Free trade / yhteensä: 286
viite: 24 / 286
Tekijä:Pauwels, C.
Loisen, J.
Otsikko:The WTO and the audiovisual sector: economic free trade vs. cultural horse trading?
Lehti:European Journal of Communication
2003 : SEP, VOL. 18:3, p.
Asiasana:Free trade
Telecommunications industry
World Trade Organization
Tiivistelmä:Historical and legal status questions concerning the audiovisual dossier are raised as discussed within the framework of the World Trade Organization. This implies an overview, first, of the rules applying directly to the audiovisual sector: second, of the liberalization agreements concerning telecommunications, and third, of the rules concerning copyright (TRIPs).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 248565
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