haku: @indexterm Agency theory / yhteensä: 286
viite: 31 / 286
Tekijä:Main, B.G.M. (et al.)
Otsikko:The remuneration committee and strategic human resource management
Lehti:Corporate governance
2008 : MAY, VOL. 16:3, p. 225-238
Asiasana:board of directors
management pay
chief executive officers
human resource management
United Kingdom
agency theory
Vapaa asiasana:processes
Tiivistelmä:It is questioned the adequacy of the agency approach in representing how remuneration committees design executive pay arrangements. Using evidence gathered from interviews performed in late 2006, with 22 members of various U.K. remuneration committees, it is found that concerns with legitimacy push remuneration committees towards an institutional isomorphism in processes and practice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274497
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