haku: @indexterm Germany / yhteensä: 2881
viite: 629 / 2881
Tekijä:Pfliiger, M.
Otsikko:Trade, Capital Mobility, and the German Labour Market
Lehti:Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv
2001 : VOL. 137:3, p. 473-500
Tiivistelmä:The focus of this paper is on the quantitative significance of the globalisation process on the labour market. This issue is of considerable importance because pressures for protection might arise out of the widespread fear that the globalisation process is at the root of the increased inequality. The contributions of this paper are twofold. The theoretical contribution is to enrich the standard 2x2 HOS model with two crucial aspects, capital mobility and the existence of a non-traded goods sector. In the spirit of Krugman (1995), the scale of the model is kept small. By including physical capital in addition to unskilled and skilled labour in the general equilibrium model, two types of 'globalisation shocks' can be studied, (North-South) trade and a relocation of the capital stock.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 232118
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