haku: @indexterm data analysis / yhteensä: 289
viite: 85 / 289
Tekijä:Haaijer, R.
Wedel, M.
Otsikko:Habit Persistence in Time Series Models of Discrete Choice
Lehti:Marketing Letters
2001 : VOL. 12:1, p. 25-35
Tiivistelmä:The authors provide a framework for modelling habit persistence in choice that integrates vector auto- regressive and moving-average (VARMA) time-series models with random coefficient Multinomial Probit (MNP) models. The authors provide two classes of models. In the first the authors assume that the error in the utility function has a general VARMA structure, and in the second the authors assume that structure for the regression coefficients. The authors provide an interpretation of these two classes of models. As an illustration, the authors re-analyse the A.C. Nielsen Company 1986/1987 scanner panel data on ketchup purchases and compare the authors' model with two alternative state dependence models.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228277
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