haku: @indexterm data analysis / yhteensä: 289
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Tekijä:Reck, B. (et al.)
Otsikko:Multilevel anthropogenic cycles of copper and zinc: a comparative statistical analysis
Lehti:Journal of industrial ecology
2006 : WINTER/SPRING, VOL. 10:1-2, p. 89-110
Asiasana:copper industry
data analysis
metals industry
natural resources
waste disposals
Tiivistelmä:Contemporary cycles for copper and zinc are coanalyzed here with the tools of exploratory data analysis. One-year analyses (ca. 1994) are performed at three discrete spatial levels - country, eight world regions and the planet as a whole - and are completed both in absolute magnitude and in per capita terms. This work constitutes the first multiscale, multilevel analysis of anthropogenic resources throughout their life cycles.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264239
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