haku: @indexterm Spin-offs / yhteensä: 29
viite: 25 / 29
Tekijä:Jagersma, P.K.
Gorp, D.M. van
Otsikko:Spin-out management: Theory and practice
Lehti:Business Horizons
2003 : MAR/APR, VOL. 46:2, p. 15-24
Asiasana:Strategic management
Computer industry
Computer services
Case studies
Tiivistelmä:The structure of a firm is an important element of the business model, playing a key role in building an innovative and market-driven organization. Due to failure in the structure of companies, growth opportunities are sometimes not fully realized. Spin-out management is a process by which a new or existing part of the organization is diversified from the parent company. The goal is to develop independentently related activities that enhance the firm's innovative capabilities while profiting from the assets of the parent company, thereby improving the staying power of both. Four cases which can help answer how companies in general cope with spin-out management are considered: 1. Dell Computers, 2. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, 3. Infopulse and 4. 4BB.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 243902
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