haku: @indexterm Spin-offs / yhteensä: 29
viite: 24 / 29
Tekijä:Abarbanell, J.S.
Bushee, B.J.
Smith Raedy, J.
Otsikko:Institutional investor preferences and price pressure: the case of corporate spin-offs
Lehti:Journal of Business
2003 : APR, VOL. 76:2, p. 233-261
Asiasana:Institutional investors
Share prices
Tiivistelmä:Corporate spin-offs create new firms with characteristics markedly different from the original firm. Consequently, institutional investors precommitted to certain investment styles or subject to fiduciary restrictions have incentives to rebalance their portfolios at the time of the spin-off. The authors find strong evidence that investment strategy and fiduciary restrictions affect institutional investor demand for stocks after spin-offs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 246732
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