haku: @indexterm organizational communication / yhteensä: 295
viite: 47 / 295
Tekijä:Wiesenfeld, B.
Raghuram, S.
Garud, R.
Otsikko:Communication patterns as determinants of organizational identification in a virtual organization
Lehti:Organization Science
1999 : NOV-DEC, VOL. 10:6, p. 777-790
Asiasana:Organizational communication
Information technology
Organizational structure
Vapaa asiasana:Virtual organizations
Tiivistelmä:Recent advances in information technologies provide employees the freedom to work from any place and at any time. That weekens the ties that bind organizations and their members. The authors explore the role that information technologies play in the creation and maintenance of a common identity among decoupled organization members. The large sample study is the first of its kind to examine the organizational identification of virtual workers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 215744
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