haku: @indexterm organizational communication / yhteensä: 295
viite: 37 / 295
Tekijä:Krause, D. E.
Piske, R.
Otsikko:Theater im Unternehmen? Unternehmenstheater als innovatives Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument
Lehti:Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation
2001 : SEP-OCT, VOL. 70:5, p. 276-284
Asiasana:Organizational communication
Tiivistelmä:Corporate theater is presented as an instrument of organizational development. The corporate theater can effectively initiate, support, and stabilize change management in organizations. In the process of unfreezing, change-related motivation of the organizational members is triggered through identification, role assumption, and emotional involvement.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 226136
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