haku: @indexterm organizational communication / yhteensä: 295
viite: 31 / 295
Tekijä:Kayworth, T. R.
Leidner, D. E.
Otsikko:Leadership effectiveness in global virtual teams
Lehti:Journal of Management Information Systems
2002 : WINTER, VOL. 18:3, p. 7-40
Asiasana:Team work
Organizational communication
Vapaa asiasana:Virtual teams
Collaboration technology
Computer-mediated communication systems
Computer-supported cooperative work
Tiivistelmä:The findings of this article suggest that effective team leaders demonstrate the capability to deal with paradox and contradiction by performing multiple leadership roles simultaneously. Specifically the authors discovered that highly effective virtual team leaders act in a mentoring role and exhibit a high degree of understanding toward other team members.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 232026
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