haku: @indexterm organizational communication / yhteensä: 295
viite: 30 / 295
Tekijä:Deeter-Schmelz, D. R
Kennedy, K. N.
Otsikko:An exploratory study of the Internet as an industrial communication tool: examining buyers' perceptions
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
2002 : FEB, VOL. 31:2, p. 145-154
Asiasana:Industrial purchasing
Organizational communication
Tiivistelmä:The study examines (1) the degree to which purchasing professionals perceive the Internet as useful, (2) how purchasing professionals are using the Internet for communication activities, (3) the Internet compares to other promotional tools in influencing buyers' purchase decisions, and (4) whether differences among buyers can be identified relative to the perceived influence of suppliers' websites.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 232921
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