haku: @indexterm public relations / yhteensä: 295
viite: 65 / 295
Tekijä:Brissenden, J.
Moloney, K.
Otsikko:Political PR in the 2005 UK General Election: winning and losing, with a little help from spin
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2005 : NOV, VOL. 21:9 - 10, p. 1005 - 1020
United Kingdom
public relations
Vapaa asiasana:journalism
Tiivistelmä:The article examines the public relations of the UK General Election in 2005 considering the active promotional culture of British politics. The PR (called also ‘spin’) can be perceived as a presentational trellis offering to voters, usually provided by the media. This means for example glimpses of politicians and policies that are favorable to the party itself. With the help of the trellis the parties aim to maximize the electoral benefits and minimize the disadvantages. However, sometimes the media can set the trellis aside and show the other, not so favorable side of the matter. The democracy of the tension between partisan presentation and journalism is still unclear, but it is not likely that voter disengagement is caused by PR shows. It seems that voter disengagement is related to other systemic and more causal features of British society. A small survey conducted among campaign observers shows the key features of political PR that are serving the foundations of party, policy and personality.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261806
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