haku: @indexterm Clothing industry / yhteensä: 297
viite: 7 / 297
Tekijä:Egels-Zandén, N.
Hyllman, P.
Otsikko:Exploring the effects of union-NGO relationships on corporate responsibility: the case of the Swedish clean clothes campaign
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2006 : MAR III, VOL 64:3, p. 303-316
Asiasana:corporate responsibility
clothing industry
multinational companies
non-government organizations
trade unions
Vapaa asiasana:union
Tiivistelmä:Nowadays, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), transnational companies (TNCs) and labour/trade unions are increasingly participating in regulating workers' rights. This article concentrates on the least researched of the relationships among these three actors (the union-NGO relationship) by analysing the ways in which it influences definitions of TNC responsibility for workers' rights at their suppliers' factories. It uses the Swedish clothing industry to study six main configurations of union-NGO relationships. The results indicate that co-operation is generally more benefitial for both unions and NGOs than in any form of conflictual relationship, in terms of broadening the definition of TNC responsibility.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 261932
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