haku: @author Keep, W. / yhteensä: 3
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Tekijä:Keep, W.
Otsikko:Structuring the macromarket: lessons from Alexander Hamilton
Lehti:Journal of Macromarketing
1994 : SPRING, VOL. 14:1, P. 23-30
Tiivistelmä:As the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton exerted significant influence on the formation of governmental policy. This article examines Hamilton's attempt to institute a macromarketing plan for the United States. This plan would have promoted commerce, as well as economic and social development, but it failed. Hamilton's experience exemplifies the difficulty in developing a comprehensive macromarketing plan. Based on Hamilton's experience, the political process appears to favor piecemeal, pragmatic policies with clear short-term results but less apparent long-term implications.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 114084
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