haku: @author Jiang, J. J. / yhteensä: 3
viite: 2 / 3
Tekijä:Jiang, J. J.
Muhanna, W. A.
Klein, G.
Otsikko:User resistance and strategies for promoting acceptance across system types
Lehti:Information & Management
2000 : JAN, VOL. 37:1, p. 25-36
Information systems
Vapaa asiasana:User acceptance
Tiivistelmä:Understanding the factors that contribute to the success of systems implementation efforts is a central concern in the field of information systems. This paper reports the results of a study investigating the link btw. resistance reasons and system types. Managerial perceptions of the relative importance of various strategies for promoting acceptance in the context of those types are assessed. Surveying 66 managers in a variety of organizations, the results suggest that decision support systems and transaction processing systems are resisted for different reasons, and that promotion strategy effectiveness also differs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 202349
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