haku: @author Klyver, K. / yhteensä: 3
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Tekijä:Klyver, K.
Evald, M.R.
Phillipsen, K.
Otsikko:En kontekstbaseret typologi for entreprenørskab
Lehti:Nordiske organisasjons studier
2007 : VOL. 9:4, p. 87-97
Tiivistelmä:For the time being, the research in entrepreneurship (here as: res-in-entshp.) is argued to be dominated by a multi-disciplinary approach. It is argued that a fruitful understanding of the res-in-entsph. can be established by emphasizing two dimensions: i. purpose where it is distinguished btw. own advantages (typically profit) and mutual or common advantages, and ii. organizational (as: org-al.) context. It is argued to be fruitful to distinguish entshp. btw. formalized and non-formalized org-al. contexts. It is proposed that the field of res-in-entshp. is occupied by four distinct types of research (here as: res.): res. in independent entshp., res. in existing firms, res. in social entshp. and res. in public organizations (as: orgs.), voluntary orgs. and political orgs. (original in Danish).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 265586
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