haku: @author Conrad, C. / yhteensä: 3
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Tekijä:Conrad, C.
Ross, C.R.
Otsikko:The AIDS epidemic: challenges for feminist economics
Lehti:Feminist economics
2008 : OCT, VOL. 14:4, p. 1-18
health and safety
health economics
macroeconomic models
Tiivistelmä:Critical insights can be provided by feminist economics into understanding the HIV/AIDS epidemic - the disease's progression, its microeconomic and macroeconomic impacts, and the effectiveness of policy interventions. This paper presents a brief survey of the recent social science literature on the gendered nature of the epidemic and identifies key constructs of feminist economic theory that might be productively applied to understanding HIV/AIDS. The paper is also an introduction to the special issue on the same topic.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272130
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