haku: @indexterm ASSET MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 30
viite: 26 / 30
Tekijä:Birkinshaw, J.
Otsikko:Managing internal R&D networks in global firms - What sort of knowledge is involved?
Lehti:Long Range Planning
2002 : JUN, VOL. 35:3, p. 245-267
Knowledge management
Multinational companies
Asset management
Case studies
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:This paper argues that the way individual R&D centers units are structured, and the way the entire network is managed, should be based not on administrative heritage, environmental turbulence or management style, but on the basis of the underlying characteristics of the firm's knowledge assets. In particular, the authors focus on the observability and mobility of the firm's knowledge assets, the impact these factors have on the way individual R&D centers are structured, and how they relate to one another in the international network. The argument is supported using examples and data from Swedish firms including ABB, Alfa Laval and Ericsson.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 239461
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