haku: @indexterm CAPITAL TAXATION / yhteensä: 30
viite: 8 / 30
Tekijä:Wilson, J. D.
Wildasin, D. E.
Otsikko:Capital tax competition: bane or boon
Lehti:Journal of Public Economics
2004 : JUN, VOL. 88:6, p. 1065-1091
Asiasana:Capital taxation
Public expenditure
Vapaa asiasana:Tax competition
Tax structure
Tiivistelmä:This paper reviews potential advantages and disadvantages of capital tax competition. Tax competition may introduce, mitigate, or exacerbate inefficiencies in both the private sector and the public sector. In different models, tax competition may either limit or increase public expenditures and taxes on mobile factors, with differing welfare consequences.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255940
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