haku: @indexterm EASTERN EUROPE / yhteensä: 308
viite: 29 / 308
Tekijä:Verhoeven, W-J.
Jansen, W.
Dessens, J.
Otsikko:Losers in market transition: the unemployed, the retired, and the disabled
Lehti:European sociological review
2009 : FEB, VOL. 25:1, p. 103-122
Asiasana:labour markets
transition economies
Central Europe
Eastern Europe
Tiivistelmä:This study explores the impact of the market transformation (hereafter as: m-trns.) process (as: proc.) on the income of those having few resources and being eligible for social benefits. Are these people the 'real' losers of the m-trns. proc. in post-communist societies? Using 50 standardized cross-sectional surveys on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and Slovakia from 1991 to 2002, OLS regression models are estimated. It is shown that the unemployed have the lowest income and that the income of retirement and disability pensioners is relatively protected, particularly during the early years of m-trns. Education seems to be a helpful resource for the unemployed and pensioners, yet, not specifically during the turbulent early years. Results on the income effect of urban residence are inconclusive.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271886
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