haku: @indexterm Biscuits industry / yhteensä: 31
viite: 19 / 31
Otsikko:Biscuits in France.
Lehti:Market Research Europe
1989 : JUN, VOL. 21, p. 19-27
Tiivistelmä:A report is presented concerned with the French market for sweet biscuits. Total market size is estimated, volume and value sales are published. Sources of supply are examined, the role of foreign trade is highlighted. Market sectors are identified and described. Usership and purchasing patterns are analysed. Data are presented about regional incidence of biscuit consumption. Main brands and manufacturers are listed, market shares are compared. Retail distribution channels are described. A future outlook is outlined, sales are forecast to 1993. The importance of introducing new products to the French consumer is highlighted.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 67639
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