haku: @indexterm CENTRAL BANKS / yhteensä: 319
viite: 23 / 319
Tekijä:Lahiri, A.
Vegh, C.A.
Otsikko:Output costs, currency crises and interest rate defence of a peg
Lehti:Economic Journal
2007 : JAN, VOL. 117:516, p. 216-239
Asiasana:economic crisis
interest rates
central banks
Tiivistelmä:Currency pegs are defended by central banks through raising short-term interest rates (hereafter as: i-rts). Higher i-rts., however, often lead to a credit crunch and an output contraction. This trade-off is modeled in an optimizing, first generation model in which the crisis (here as: crs.) may be delayed but is ultimately inevitable. It is shown that higher i-rts. may delay the crs., but raising i-rts. beyond a certain point may actually bring forward the crs. due to the negative output effect. The optimal i-rts. defence involves setting high i-rts. both before and at the moment of the crs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263369
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