haku: @indexterm unit roots / yhteensä: 32
viite: 30 / 32
Tekijä:Koop, G.
Osiewalski, J.
Steel, M.
Otsikko:Bayesian long-run prediction in time series models
Lehti:Journal of Econometrics
1995 : SEP, VOL. 69:1, p. 61-80
Tiivistelmä:This paper considers Bayesian long-run prediction in time series models. The authors allow time series to exhibit stationary or nonstationary behavior and show how differences between prior structures which have little effect on posterior inferences can have a large effect in a prediction exercise. In particular, the Jeffreys prior given in Phillips (1991) is seen to prevent the existence of one-period-ahead predictive moments. In a more general context, a Bayesian counterpart is provided to Sampson (1991) who takes parameter uncertainty into account in a classical framework.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 138503
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