haku: @indexterm inventories / yhteensä: 321
viite: 21 / 321
Tekijä:Rajagopalan, S.
Malhotra, A.
Otsikko:Have U.S. Manufacturing Inventories Really Decreased? An Empirical Study
Lehti:Manufacturing & service operations management
2001 : WINTER, VOL. 3:1, p. 14-24
Tiivistelmä:This paper is about whether inventories have indeed decreased in U.S. manufacturing and whether such a decrease has been restricted to a few well-publicized firms or is true at an industry level. The authors find that material and work-in-process inventories did decrease in a majority of the two-digit industry sectors from 1961 to 1994 and showed greater improvement in about half the sectors in the post-1980 period relative to the pre-1980 period. Finished-goods inventories did decrease in some industry sectors and increase in a few others but did not show a significant trend in more than half the sectors. Total manufacturing inventory ratios decreased in 1961-1994 at all three stages-material, work-in-process, and finished goods.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 225783
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