haku: @indexterm crisis management / yhteensä: 327
viite: 74 / 327
Tekijä:Mundell, R.
Otsikko:On the history of the Mundell-Fleming model: keynote speech
Lehti:IMF Staff papers
2001 : VOL. 47, special issue, p. 215-227
Asiasana:Crisis management
Financial analysis
Public sector
Private sector
Tiivistelmä:Efforts at crisis resolution that succeed in reducing potential inefficiencies and instability in the international financial system are in the interest of both the private and the public sectors. This paper focuses on the question how the private sector is likely to adapt to the recent initiatives by the official sector to further involve the private sector in the resolution of crises. The key conclusion is that recent experiences with payment suspensions and bond restructurings are limited as guides to determining the future success or failures of these initiatives.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234725
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