haku: @indexterm POLAND / yhteensä: 329
viite: 13 / 329
Tekijä:Nowacki, M.M.
Otsikko:Quality of visitor attractions, satisfaction, benefits and behavioural intentions of visitors: verification of a model
Lehti:International Journal of Tourism Research
2009 : MAY/JUN, VOL. 11:3, p. 297-309
Asiasana:consumer behaviour
consumer satisfaction
Tiivistelmä:This study aims at verifying a model of relations btw. motivation, quality of product of attraction, benefits, satisfaction and behavioural intentions (henceforth as: beh-ints.) of visiting people. Based on data collected from 1770 visitors in four tourist attractions of the Wielkopolska and Kujawy regions of Poland, it was noted that the effect of performance of service provider on beh-ints. takes the route through benefits gained by the visitors. Benefits have a stronger total effect on beh-ints. than visitors' satisfaction.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271762
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