haku: @indexterm retail banking / yhteensä: 33
viite: 11 / 33
Tekijä:Byers, R. E.
Lederer, P. J.
Otsikko:Retail Bank Services Strategy: A Model of Traditional, Electronic, and Mixed Distribution Choices
Lehti:Journal of Management Information Systems
2001 : FALL, VOL. 18:2, p. 133-156
Tiivistelmä:Design of a retail banking distribution strategy is an important issue hi that industry. This paper shows the effect of new electronic distribution technologies such as PC banking on the choice of a bank's distribution strategy. The authors present a competitive model of distribution strategy choice, including heterogeneous consumers and banks, that allows a rich variety of customer preference and technology cost parameters. Sensitivity analysis shows how several parameters affect the competitive outcome. This analysis suggests that changing consumer behavior and attitudes, instead of banks' cost structure with new technologies significantly affects the bank's distribution strategy choice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 231736
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