haku: @journal_id 550 / yhteensä: 339
viite: 124 / 339
Tekijä:Bammens, Y.
Voordeckers, W.
Gils, A. van
Otsikko:Boards of directors in family firms: A generational perspective
Lehti:Small business economics
2008 : AUG, VOL. 31:2, p. 163-180
Asiasana:board of directors
corporate governance
family firms
Tiivistelmä:This study aims to advance the understanding of boards of directors in family firms. Firms in a different generational (here as: gen.) phase are argued to have different governance needs and characteristics. As to board (here as: b.) task needs, the empirical results show a convex gen. evolution in the need for b. advice, and a rise over the generations in the need for b. control. As to b. composition, it is found that the likelihood of having an outside director on the b. has a convex gen. trend. This relationship seems to be fully mediated by the firm's b. task needs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271283
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